Saturday, April 6, 2013

3 Jenis Sepatu Yang Wajib Dimiliki Pria

3 Jenis Sepatu pria

Banyak dari pria yang kurang peduli dengan sepatu yang mereka kenakan. Sepatu mereka kotor, kusut ataupun rusak. Hal tersebut terjadi belum tentu karena mereka malas untuk merawatnya, tetapi bisa saja karena sepatu yang mereka miliki tidak banyak. Sangatlah penting memiliki banyak stok sepatu. Karena jika sepatu yang sama dipakai terus menerus di berbagai acara ataupun tempat,  sepatu tersebut  akan cepat rusak dan tidak terawat.
Berikut adalah jenis sepatu yang setidaknya harus anda miliki:
Dress Shoe
Dress Shoe
Sepatu jenis ini digunakan untuk acara-acara formal, ataupun untuk keseharian anda di kantor. Dress Shoe biasanya berwarna hitam, namun belakangan ini banyak juga muncul Dress Shoe yang berwarna coklat ataupun putih.
Casual Shoes
Casual Shoes
Digunakan untuk acara-acara santai dan semi formal. Anda tidak mungkin selalu berada dalam kegiatan yang formal bukan? Weekend pun anda harus memiliki kegiatan di luar yang menyenangkan. Pergi hangout bersama teman ataupun rekreasi bersama keluarga.
Athletic/Sport Shoes
Athletic Shoe
Jarang saya lihat pria yang tidak suka dengan olahraga. Olahraga dapat menjadi  gaya hidup bagi beberapa pria. Gaya hidup yang sehat dan trendi sudah semestinya anda lakukan.  Body workout, dan jenis olahraga yang lain tentunya memiliki sepatu khusus. Jika anda menggemari suatu olahraga tertentu, milikilah beberapa pasang sepatu untuk olahraga tersebut. Namun kenyataannya, sering dijumpai para pria yang menggunakan sepatu sneakers atau casual lainnya untuk olahraga.

source :

4 Tips Praktis Merawat Pakaian

Kita semua menginginkan koleksi pakaian di lemari bisa tahan lama. Tetapi untuk tetap menjaga agar warnanya tetap seperti awal sewaktu membeli butuh perawatan yang cermat. Berikut beberapa tips praktis yang membuat warna pakaian tetap cemerlang sampai beberapa tahun kedepan.

1. Bacalah Labelnya
Semua ada di label, langkah yang paling sering dilupakan, padahal ini sangatlah penting membaca label yang tertera pada pakaian, instruksi pencucian dan pengeringan yang tertera pada label adalah cara perawatan yang benar untuk kain tersebut agar tahan lebih lama.

Care Instruction

2. Pisahkan Pakaian berwarna, Putih, Gelap, dan yang Berbahan Lembut
Sebelum mencuci pakaian yang berwarna secara bersamaan, periksa dahulu pakaian tersebut luntur atau tidak dengan merendam sebagian saja di bak cuci lalu peraslah airnya, cara ini akan menyelamatkan pakaian dari noda luntur yang tidak diinginkan.

3. Lipat Bagian Luar Kedalam
Dengan cara ini kita bisa menghindari pakaian rusak lebih cepat dengan membalikkannya sebelum memulai proses pencucian dan pengeringan, cara ini juga membantu warna pakaian agar tidak cepat pudar.

Balik celana

4. Hindari Menjemur Pakaian dari Terik Sinar Matahari Langsung
Sinar matahari yang terik akan sangat mudah dan cepat memudarkan warna pakaian. Lebih baik jemur di tempat yang beratap atau tidak terkena sinar matahari langsung.

Sekaya raya apapun Anda, tetap saja lebih baik untuk merawat pakaian kesayangan Anda daripada harus berulangkali membelinya kembali.

source :

Must-Have-Item(s) for Men

Sebenarnya untuk mengetahui fashion apa yang wajib kita miliki, kita harus menyadari dahulu seperti apa gaya hidup atau lifestyle kita. Kita juga harus mengetahui lingkungan kerja kita, apakah mengharuskan kita untuk berpakaian formal ataukah cukup dengan gaya kasual.

Tetapi dimanapun kita bekerja atau bagaimanapun gaya hidup kita, berikut adalah beberapa item yang wajib dimiliki oleh setiap pria :

1. Satu Set Jas
Meskipun penggunaannya jarang, hanya beberapa kali dalam setahun, dengan memilikinya, Anda akan merasa tenang saat seorang teman mengundang anda untuk menghadiri acara resminya. Walaupuny harga satu set jas cukup mahal, tetapi ini adalah investasi yang berharga. 

2. Sepatu Pantofel dan Ikat Pinggang Berwarna Hitam
Sepatu Pantofel adalah salah satu benda yang wajib anda miliki, terutama yang berwarna hitam. Miliki juga ikat pinggang berwarna sama.

3. Kemeja Putih
Kemeja putih adalah salah satu pakaian yang harus ada pada lemari pakaian anda, minimal ada dua. Kemeja putih akan membuat pria terlihat menarik dan keren, asalkan ukurannya pas dengan tubuh kita. Miliki kemeja putih yang berkualitas.

4. Jam Tangan
Sulit mengerti mengapa ada sebagian pria yang tidak suka mengenakan jam tangan. Padahal ini adalah benda yang wajib dimiliki pria untuk meningkatkan kemenarikannya, selain tentu saja untuk mengetahui waktu, item ini cukup mempengaruhi penampilan seorang pria. Sesuaikan juga jenis dan model jam tangan sesuai pakaian dan momennya.

5. Celana Jeans
Ya saya tahu, ini adalah benda pusaka yang wajib dimiliki pria. Meskipun awalnya celana jeans dibuat untuk para pekerja tambang di Amerika, tetapi saat ini celana jeans di pakai oleh pria dan bahkan wanita untuk situasi kasual dan santai.

6. Parfum
Siapa bilang pria yang berkeringat terlihat gagah dan macho di mata wanita? Mungkin benar, tetapi itu jika tubuh anda harum saat berdekatan dengan mereka. Miliki beberapa parfum dengan aroma berbeda untuk berbagai situasi dan sesuaikan dengan kepribadian anda. 

7. Dasi Berwarna Solid
Walaupun sepertinya sepele, dasi sangat penting dan wajib dimiliki setiap pria. Dasi dapat anda gunakan untuk acara-acara formal, interview pekerjaan ataupun bertemu relasi bisnis anda. Miliki paling tidak dasi berwarna solid seperti hitam.

8. Polo Shirt dan T-Shirt (kaos)
Selain celana jeans keduanya juga merupakan benda ampuh untuk pria, terutama kaos. Polo shirt dan kaos memang nyaman digunakan saat dalam situasi santai. Tetapi saran saya, jangan hanya mengenakan jeans dengan polo shirt atau kaos saja, tambahkan beberapa aksesoris. Kasual bukan berarti membosankan.

Sekarang coba cek kedelapan barang-barang tersebut, apakah anda sudah memilikinya? Jika belum segera membelinya saat anda memiliki cukup dana.

source :

20 Things Women Hate About Men's Wardrobes

Women gonna loved seeing a men in a stylish fashion stuff, but we actually have things that we hate about men's wardrobe.  So, you guys should know this for learn how to be a well-dressed-boy at least.

As Russell Brand steps out breaking a brace of style rules, we look at the ultimate crimes against fashion a man can commit. Brace yourselves boys...


In fact, make that any shiny clothing at all. Peter Andre's silver suit is simply horrific and quite possibly a danger to epilepsy sufferers to boot.


If there's no beach within a 100 metre radius then men should never EVER be seen in flip flops. Full stop. Yes Michael Fassbender, that includes the Venice Film Festival, which you have to concur is not technically a beach. We wouldn't mind so much if there was a preparatory pedicure involved, but nothing turns a girl's stomach more than 'tramp foot'.


A staple of the boy band wardrobe, low-cut T-shirts are the modern equivalent of the '70s medallion man style unbuttoned shirt favoured by peacocks, and poseurs. Max George from The Wanted sports a different variation every day, and quite frankly, we're not impressed.


An elegant watch, a wedding band, a signet ring we can live with. When you start straying into Russell Brand or Richard Hammond territory in the jewellery stakes, it's time to take a good, hard look at where your life is heading.


The ultimate wrongness, "Leather trousers are to men's fashion what Ugg Boots and pyjama bottoms are to womenswear - a 24ct no no." Yes, even if you're Brad Pitt.


Simon, Simon, Simon, step away from the winkle-pickers. You're massive head is already rendering your silhouette top-heavy, but those pointy shoes are making you wither away to nothing giving off the effect of a genie popping out of a lamp. But don't be fooled - even if you're not vertically challenged like Mr. Cowell, the pointy shoe is never a winner.


Robbie Williams looked like he'd been taking style tips from our previous offender, Simon Cowell in these high-waisted trousers. But it's the drop-crotch feature which really seals the deal. Hareem pants: bad on girls; a total tragedy on men.


"Every man who thinks they look good in a vest never actually does" reveals one anonymous vest-stabbing woman. Take X-Factor champion Matt Cardle, he might have the biceps, but ended up being roundly ridiculed by the judges for his 'white van man' chic.


Men should never, EVER, tuck their trousers into boots. You think you look like a cool, carefree male model. Reality check: you look more like Louie Spence.


Mr Kate Moss, aka Jamie Hince loves wearing his wife's clothes, but on this jaw-dropping occasion, it looks like he went a step too far and stole her denim micro-shorts. Shorts this short are unforgivable on any man, and yes Cristiano Ronaldo and Rio Ferdinand, that means you too.


We don't know of any woman impressed by a cocky slogan top. You know what they say about men with sports cars...said T-shirts share a similar ethos...


Short sleeve shirts are the preserve of the pub casual. Team one with a tie and it's game over. Boys, if it's hot, roll-up your sleeves!


You think we can't see them right? Newsflash: we can! There is something beyond disturbing about a demi-sock or trainer sock. More points off if they're white and of the sports variety. In fact, sports socks outside of sports should be abolished too.


This look has boyband written all over it, so hard do they love-up drapey garments, be they rendered in leather or earthy-hued organic cotton. The last word in effemininity.


Belts have one function, and one function only: to keep your waistline snug. Make not like Matthew McConaughey and use belts as an excuse to make a style statement.


Trust JLS band member Aston Merrygold to assume studded slippers out of the house. Anything soft and loafer-like should remain upon Hugh Heffner, or if you're a normal civilian, solely for indoor wear.


Shane Warne is a serial committer of crimes against fashion, but his bad taste in jeans knows no bounds. "They're stonewashed AND giving him lady-bottom!" wailed one horrified female. But then again, if Warne looks to girlfriend Liz Hurley for sartorial advice, he'll be wearing white denim next.


Unless you are a rapper, one earring is pushing it. Two strikes and you're out. It's a look even the supernaturally cool Daniel Day-Lewis can't pull-off, coming off more like a pantomime pirate.


Listen, we know no man in their right mind would really be seen dead out in a pair of tights, but with Emilio Cavallini launching a range of 'Mantyhose' (tights for men), and Madonna endorsing them in her latest video (Girls Gone Wild) we're afraid this is one trend that may just have, ahem, legs. Let's nip this beast in the bud now guys - just because your girlfriend wears them, it's NOT okay. Okay?


Ah, the Ugg boot. When women slip their feet into a sheepskin-lined pair, it's an instant ticket to sloth-dom. When men succumb (how their partners let them is beyond us) it's so disconcerting we start to question the meaning of life.

source :

A Brief History Of The T-shirt

T-Shirt, the most comfy fashion item for man & woman, had a long story in this century. Below, you can read an article about history of t-shirt written by Jon Wild, he was all set for a career as a professional footballer until a painful toe injury put paid to all that. Instead he has enjoye a long and varied career in journalism, specialising in interviews. 

You can always judge a man by the t-shirt he wears. Brando made them cool, Che Guevara became ubiquitous and bands used them as a marketing device. I love them...
There are a number of firsts in life that are indelible. I can vividly recall my first day at school, my first kiss, my first football match, my first gig, my first pay packet…along with my first ever t-shirt.
It has to be said that my lifelong love affair with the t-shirt didn’t get off to the best of starts. I was eleven at the time, thin as piss on a hot stone, and, so far as I was concerned, Marc Bolan was the greatest pop star on the planet. Get It On, Jeepster, Metal Guru…Marc and his glammed-up boogie could do no wrong in my book. I’d spotted a T. Rex shirt for sale on the local market: the cover of The Slider album, complete with stunning photograph by Ringo Starr, on a t-shirt. That was to be my best ever birthday present. Except it didn’t turn out that way.
On the day in question, I leapt out of bed, raced downstairs and ripped open the wrapping only to find that Marc Bolan was nowhere to be seen. In his place wasGilbert O’Sullivan. “They were fresh out of Marc Bolans,” my mum casually explained, “so I got the next best thing.” Now, clearly, this was not a case of the next best thing. Marc Bolan was the coolest man on the planet and anyone with any taste would be proud to wear his face on a shirt. Gilbert O’Sullivan, on the other hand, wore short trousers and a cloth cap, sported a pudding basin haircut and looked older than my great uncle Stan, and Stan had fought in WW1.
Needless to say, the Gilbert t-shirt was never worn though, for a few months, it came in handy when my Raleigh Chopper needed a bit of buffing up.
Misery had surely found me on that ill-fated birthday. On the other hand, a valuable life lesson had been learned. Namely: you can’t fuck about with a t-shirt. If you wear one, it has to be the right one, the right one for you. Wear the wrong t-shirt or wear a shirt with dubious intentions (i.e. to impress people) and you’re pointing yourself in the wrong direction, just asking for trouble, probably damned for all eternity.
There is some dispute about the actual origins of what we know today as the t-shirt. Certainly, forms of underwear shirts can be traced back as far as ancient Egypt. Something much closer to the t-shirt in design was commonly distributed among navy servicemen in the early 1900s. During WW2 the t-shirt became standard issue in both the U.S Army and the Navy. Designed principally as underwear, soldiers were known to wear them without shirt coverings in hot climates.
However it wasn’t until the 1950s that the t-shirt properly achieved the status of a stand-alone, outer-wear garment, largely thanks to Mr. Marlon Brando. In 1951’s A Streetcar Named Desire, Brando’s sweat-drenched Stanley Kowalski returns from a bowling session, removes his sticky white t-shirt in front of Vivien Leigh’s Blanche, and changes into a fresh one, “to make myself comfortable.” And thus the t-shirt realized its first iconic moment, to be followed in 1955 by James Dean in Rebel Without A Cause. The t-shirt was no longer simply a garment. It was now a part of the culture, a symbol of youthful rebellion.
The classic white t-shirt as modelled by Brando and Dean would never really go out of fashion and boomed in popularity during the seventies and eighties largely thanks to Arthur “The Fonz” Fonzarelli and Don Johnson respectively.
However, as the 60s dawned and screenprinting became more advanced, people were waking up to the idea that the t-shirt was a blank canvas, waiting to be filled and used to make a statement, any kind of statement you care to name. Protests over the Vietnam War saw thousands take to the streets of America with “Make Love Not War” emblazoned on their chests. One of the most popular symbols to emerge out of the political turmoil of 1960s were t-shirts bearing the face of Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara. Indeed, the Guevara t-shirt has long been established as the biggest-selling t-shirt of all time, even though the vast majority of those who bought it probably haven’t the foggiest who Guevara was and just thought the photo looked cool.
The image of Che Guevara wouldn’t have been welcome in my home in the 1960s. In fact, up to the aforementioned Bolan/O’Sullivan incident, the wearing of t-shirts was officially banned in my house. My mum considered t-shirts to be nothing more than “glorified vests” and so considered the wearing of them to be somewhat “common”. Whenever I tried to argue the point she would say “I don’t want you walking around looking like Alf Garnett,” and that was the end of the matter.
Flat-capped Gilbert O’Sullivan might not have been the t-shirt I wanted but the fact that my mother had gone out and bought me that garment was cast-iron evidence of a sea change in attitudes chez Wilde. Which was just as well because we were about to enter the first truly golden age of the t-shirt. From the early seventies, t-shirts began more and more to reflect pop culture in all its myriad manifestations. Most obviously, this was a time when rock bands started to grasp the full import of being able to flog merchandise to fans who would then become walking advertising boards for their albums and tours. The first t-shirt I bought was one that featuredRoxy Music in their early pomp. OK, being among the moody variety of garments (bought from Dodgy Den on that same market), some of the band members’ names had been misspelt (Brian Ferry, Bryan Eno) but it was still a step up from Gilbert O’Sullivan.
After Roxy came Slade (a glorious day-glo image of Noddy Holder), Wizzard (the wonderfully garish sleeve of Wizzard Brew) and Suzi Quatro (48 Crash, with her nipples tantalizingly showing through the t-shirt she was wearing, if you used a magnifying glass).
Though it was undoubtedly a golden age for the t-shirt, the ready availability of shirt designs meant that some genuine horrors became unaccountably popular. When my parents took me to Butlins in 1975 half the people there seemed to be decked out in shirts that declared “I’m with stupid”, “Who farted?” and “My parents went to Butlins and all I got was this lousy t-shirt”.
By this time, I’d made up my mind that clear and distinct rules were needed if one intended to go through life wearing t-shirts. Firstly, I promised myself that I’d never wear a shirt that had become too popular. Not because I’m an elitist twat, necessarily. Only because I don’t want to look like the sort of man who is wearing the same shirt as everyone else because he clearly lacks the imagination to choose his own design. Thus, I gave a wide berth to the yellow happy face as designed by Bernard and Murray Spain that seemed to be as omnipresent in 1975 as Brut aftershave, the Kevin Keegan perm, Mike Yarwood and Vesta curry. I was the very first to sport a Rolling Stones Tongue logo in my town but, as soon as everyone else started wearing the shirt, I set fire to mine and chucked it in the bin. Thereafter, you wouldn’t have found me dead in a Frankie Says, a Katherine Hamnet Choose Life or, more recently, a Shepard Fairey Obama/Hope.
I also decided that I would never wear a brand logo on my chest. Bands were OK. By wearing a Ramones or a Velvet Underground shirt, I was simply declaring my musical taste loud and clear. But I drew the line at becoming a moveable billboard for Coca-Cola, Nike or even FCUK. I also made up my mind never to wear a t-shirt that had anything to do with anything I would have nothing to do with. However cool they look, Harley-Davidson shirts are for people who ride Harley choppers. I’m scared of motorbikes and I look like the kind of old dude who is scared of bikes so, if I wore such a shirt, I’d look like a fraud, and a total prick.
Surf shirts are for surfers. Skate shirts are for skaters. Hard Rock Café shirts are for people who like to dine out at the Hard Rock Café and get a boner from staring at Elton John’s old tour boots.
In other words, I decided that, if I was going to wear a t-shirt, then it had to be a shirt that told the truth about my tastes and opinions. Through the eighties and nineties, I made my living primarily as a music journalist. One of the perks of being a music journalist in those days was that record companies would send you piles of promotional t-shirts in the hope that you would write nice things about their mostly hideous bands. My rules were unwavering. If I liked the band, I’d wear their shirt. If I didn’t like the band, I’d use the shirt to clean around the back of the crapper, then chuck it away. On the one hand I saved a few quid on J-cloths. On the other, I’d now be making a fortune flogging those shirts off on eBay. But rules are rules. And, let us not forget, the man without rules is Genghis Khan.
My wardrobe currently houses a grand total of 55 t-shirts. Fifty of these are musically connec ted. The other five designs are in praise of Popeye (every self-respecting man should own one, just one cartoon t-shirt), Tommy Cooper, Phil Silvers as Sgt. Bilko, Louise Brooks and my spaniel Banjo. There’s one other t-shirt I keep under my bed, just for old time’s sake. It’s strictly a D-I-Y effort, made at the height of punk rock. A classic white shirt, it has been defaced with the words “Fuck the police” in permanent black marker and it’s got a piss-poor drawing of a policeman in the top left-hand corner of it. That shirt doesn’t get too many public airings these days. Come to think of it, that shirt didn’t get too many airings back in the day as my dad was a copper and he’d have taken the rough end of a slipper to my harris if he’d seen me wearing it. To my mind, that shirt is far more in the true spirit of punk rock than anything Vivienne Westwood ever knocked up in the days of SEX on the King’s Road.
Back in the 70s, the choice of t-shirts on offer in the back pages of the music press seemed gloriously unlimited. In the days of the internet the choice truly is unlimited. So where to go?
If it’s variety you’re after 8ball are hard to beat, offering a huge range of music, TV, movie and sport shirts though it’s worth bearing in mind that their website is not a stock list so some items take up to 28 days for delivery.
DJtees is quick and reliable, one of the most eclectic online selections, with everything from Kim Wilde to Captain Beefheart, Kenneth Williams to Sandy Denny up for grabs.
One of my recent finds is Bathroom Wall who specialize in extremely cool bar-room style blues shirts (Leadbelly, Little Walter, Robert Johnson). They also offer a quirkily nostalgic Bands-Before-They-Were-Famous section that includes Stiff Kittens (later Joy Division), Bazooka Joe (Adam Ant) and the charmingly-named Bastard (Motorhead).
One of the most alluring sites out there is KGB Clothing, superb designs and plenty to choose from in sections varying from hip hop, drugs, football and retro chic.
London-based Soul Tees is my current favourite. They don’t offer a huge stock (120 designs currently on offer) but you’re unlikely to find a cooler range of soul, Northern Soul, funk, reggae, ska, dub, 2-Tone, blue beat, Afro Beat and hip hop clobber. Each and every one is a thing of beauty. If you’re in search of a classic Gilbert O’Sullivan, you’ll be well fucked and far from home. Rules are rules. Class is permanent.

Tips Memilih Pakaian bagi Pria Gemuk

Pakaian untuk pria yang gemuk? Mungkin pertanyaan seperti itu seakan menyudutkan orang yang memiliki berat badan berlebih. Contohnya perut yang buncit, tubuh yang gempal, postur tubuh bongsor dan sebagainya. Berbagai solusi untuk mengatasinya pun bervariasi. Dari diet sehat ataupun olahraga secara teratur. 

Pemilihan pakaian pria yang sesuai juga dapat membantu anda mendapatkan postur tubuh yang ideal serta tampil maksimal selagi anda berusaha untuk memperbaiki postur tubuh anda.

Jauhi Pakaian Longgar

Banyak pria gemuk di Indonesia melakukan kesalahan ini. Ya kesalahan tentang menggunakan pakaian yang longgar. Bukan tampil lebih ideal malahan berpenampilan kurang cocok dan membuat Anda terlihat semakin besar.
Cobalah untuk menggunakan pakaian yang pas dengan tubuh Anda jangan terlalu longgar ataupun ketat yang penting masih nyaman untuk di kenakan di tubuh Anda.

Warna Pakaian Pria

Banyak warna yang dapat Anda pilih namun beberapa designer fashion pria menganjurkan untuk menggunakan pakaian dengan warna hitam. Warna hitam merupakan salah satu warna yang dapat membuat ilusi mata agar tubuh Anda terlihat lebih kecil.
Hindari warna yang cerah ataupun pakaian yang memiliki lebih dari 3 warna. Namun tips warna pakaian ini tidak selebihnya mutlak karena masih tergantung dengan keadaan warna kulit, mata dan  rambut yang Anda miliki

Gunakan Pakaian Dengan Motif Kecil

Mengapa para pria harus memilih pakaian dengan motif yang kecil ? Karena motif atau variasi besar akan menarik perhatian orang pada bagian atas tubuh Anda.
Motif terbaik untuk pria gemuk adalah motif pakaian dengan garis vertikal, Dikarenakan dengan menggunakan pakaian dengan garis vertikan akan menimbulkan pula ilusi optik yang akan membuat Anda tampil lebih ideal.


Pakaian dengan Kerah tipe V (V-neck) sangat berguna untuk menciptakan ilusi garis leher yang ramping. Dengan menggunakan pakaian dengan model V-neck bagian leher Anda akan terlihat jelas dibandingkan dengan tipe lainnya yang membuat leher Anda terlihat menghilang.
Saat suanana formal juga pilih kemeja dengan kerah yang runcing karena efeknya akan sama dengan pakaian type V-neck.

Panjang Pakaian

Bagi para pria gemuk sebaiknya gunakanlah pakaian dengan panjang tepat di pinggang Anda. Hindarilah pakaian dengan panjang melihi batas pinggang karena dapat menambah kesan pendek bagi tubuh Anda.
Sekiranya cukup untuk 5 tips memilih pakaian bagi pria gemuk seperti diatas, semoga beberapa tips diatas dapat membantu Anda menemukan pakaian yang cocok bagi tubuh Anda.

Tren Fashion Baru : Megging, Legging untuk Pria

Legging, celana ketat berbahan stretch ini tak lagi menjadi milik wanita. Di negara dengan musim dingin, legging sedang menjadi tren fashion terbaru bagi para pria. Ya, para pria!

Seperti yang dikutip dari Telegraph, 'Megging' atau kepanjangan dari 'Male Legging' dikabarkan sedang menjadi idola para pria. Bahkan selebriti seperti Justin Bieber, Russel Brand dan Lenny Kravitz kerap kali kepergok mengenakan fashion item yang satu ini.

Berbagai brand retail seperti Uniqlo, Barneys dan Nordstorm juga ikut menjual megging. Kini 'wabah' megging sedang memasuki negara kelahiran Ratu Elizabeth. Brand retail asal Jepang, Uniqlo sudah mulai menjual megging melalui situs resmi khusus warga Inggris.

Menurut Tom Teodorczuk, penulis artikel fashion memprediksi bahwa megging bisa populer di Inggris. Megging diperkirakan akan mengikuti kepopuleran tren skinny jeans pada pria, yang kini telah menjadi celana 'ikonik' di Inggris.

Salah satu warga Inggris yang sudah menggunakannya adalah Mark Dorosz. Pria berusia 34 tahun ini mengatakan bahwa megging sangat nyaman jika dibandingkan dengan celana jeans berpotongan skinny.

"Legging pria jauh lebih nyaman ketimbang skinny jeans. Saya selalu mempunyai bentuk kaki yang bagus dan menyenangkan rasanya jika bisa memamerkan kaki saya kepada semua orang. Banyak orang yang mengenakan paikan eksotik di New York yang tidak peduli jika melihat pria mengenakan legging jika terlihat bagus padanya," ujar pria yang bekerja sebagai pengusaha di bidang internet yang tinggal di Upper East Side, Manhattan.

Menurut Dorosz, banyak orang-orang yang menertawakan pria yang mengenakan legging dalam 12 bulan lalu. Tetapi kini, mereka justru mendatangi saya dan mengatakan, "Anda terlihat luar biasa."

Sementara itu, beberapa pria masih menganggap bahwa megging adalah sebuah penghinaan terhadap maskulinitas. Gabriel Cru, pria berusia 35 tauhn dari Bronx mengatakan, "Pria memakai legging? Pergi dari sini. Kami tidak melakukan 'pria memakai legging' di New York. Itu orang Eropa!"

Menurut Lucy Sykes, desainer asal Inggris yang berbasis di New York memperingatkan bahwa ketika mengenakan megging akan sangat sulit membuat seseorang tampil menarik. "Satu-satunya pria yang pernah saya lihat bagus saat pakai legging adalah teman saya Neil. Dia masih muda, berkulit gelap dan tampan dan mengenakan legging untuk tampil di acara pentas ballet di Lincoln Centre."

Bagaimana dengan anda, tertarikkah dengan pria yang menggunakan megging?